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Low Power to the People!

There's been a lot of talk lately about LPFM. I'm all in favor of this service, but I believe that AM may hold the key to a diverse radio future. This site was created to fill the gap on the Net concerning low power AM operations. Browse around and enjoy the information!

**UPDATES LISTED HERE** 11/14/03 try replay radio for recording of webcasts. link is on "about page" 2/26/03 hi. nothing new to report. 2/14/02 NEW WEB PAGE has some decent units at good prices http://clix.to/GospelRadio. ALSO I am joining the LPAM web ring details to follow soon. **1/19/02 NEW WEB PAGE -- CHECK OUT THIS SITE FOR X-MITTERS -- http://www.am1000rangemaster.com/. **11/29/01 Well I passed quals, so I promise to update soon. Any feedback is appreciated. Sorry, but the photo page has to stay the way it is -- I recommend getting high speed inet access. **PHOTO PAGE UPDATED 8/01. Also includes some new logos and links. Check it out! Still working on the guest book page, will let you know when that's fixed. ALSO, BIG WARNING... the photo page takes a long time to load if you're on a dial-up! If you have high speed itll load fast.

While it is true that FM became the preferred band for U.S. listeners in the 1980s, most radio receivers also have AM capabilities. AM stations used to be the breadwinners in AM/FM combos in days gone by. But as music formats were refined, and the technology diffused (like the Sony Walkman), FM slowly began to overtake AM in advertising revenue and listenership.
But AM is a still a viable band, as many news/talk or sports stations continue to do very well. AM's dilema has rested in a lack of creative programming, not technology. In 1989, I brought an alternative music format to daytimer WXVX 1510 (X15) in Pittsburgh - and the response was tremendous. Today, Radio K in Minnesota is a daytimer (770 kHz) with a decent listener base.
I was informed that the FCC is not interested in licensing AM daytimers anymore. I think the whole analog AM band should be returned to the masses when radio goes digital - let LPAMs sprout up everywhere. Skywave? Well, certainly the plan would require organization, but it could be accomplished. And with new antenna theories being developed (cross-field), the antenna installations need not be so massive.
The World of LPAM.
LPAM installations operate throughout the world. Some of the applications are quite unique! Most folks are familiar with TIS, or traveller's information service radio. These are the stations that are usually promoted on highways to alert drivers to road conditions: "When lights are flashing, tune your radio to 1610 for traffic information." TIS sites, however, are just one of the many uses for LPAM. A farmer in the South built an LPAM to rebroadcast webcasts to the AM receivers in the farm trucks (radios equipped only with AM by the way).
One of the more famous part 15 AM stations, is located in Texas. The entire station is housed on an outdoor billboard and advertises a car dealership. Based on a combination of factors, this station's signal has been reported to radiate over 5 miles from the billboard's location!
Then there's Allston-Brighton radio in Boston! Find the link on the links page!

Okay, okay, you want the good stuff. How can you become an LPAM operator today? Relax, this site will hook you up. I've done the research, so you can sit back and benefit from my exhaustive work. The "About Page" has most of the direct info, and by checking out the whole site, you should be able to start your own LPAM.

The "about" and "photo" pages will list and show you all you need to know about getting your part 15 compliant (XLP, or more power LPAM) station on the air. The "links" page will allow you to check out other sites, but I warn you it's a jungle out there. I constructed this site to deal with all the bits and pieces of information drifting around about LPAM.

Sky waves vs. Ground waves
For AM propagation, both are important! That's why careful construction of your antenna system will be very important! Is the FCC more lenient towards LPAM, versus FM microcasters? I don't have empirical evidence of this, but it is the attitude that most people take. The part 15 rules concerning radio are not as specific when applied to AM service (for example is the ground part of the antenna?)
Juno is seems to be okay now, but if you don't hear from me, e-mail again.
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